To 2022

Happy New Year y’all. Yes, I know it’s the 22nd of January but what the heck. I have been pulling myself a lot trying to decide what this blog should be about. I have a lot of things to talk about, but I felt they were too serious for the start of the year (And I am a serial procrastinator too). After much thought I have decided that this is a good place to share a few of the things I will attempt to accomplish in 2022 and hope to prompt others like me to at least aim at something and actually hit it.

I will start by giving you a bit of a background so that you understand where I am coming from. I have two habits that I need to get rid of beginning this year. These are procrastination and leaving things unfinished.

I have a story I was writing, and I would post it on my Facebook page bit by bit. I started the story in 2015 and was consistent for several months until I lost my laptop. From then on I made excuses, one after the other until I lost my ‘vein’.  I tried on many occasions to continue with it some years later, but I seem to be failing to connect with the ‘vein’.

I have lost count of the number of blogs that I started and never took seriously. I never posted a single post on most of them. Those that had something posted on them only had a few of my previous stories then that’s it.

Last year I tried to sit down with myself and find out what is wrong with me. I even made a resolution to do something about it and I will celebrate that I started this blog late last year and this is my second post. It’s not what you would call consistent but hey, it’s a start. I am actively trying to work towards it so for me it’s a little victory.

This brings me to my resolution-ish for 2022: winning the little battles. Mine is a battle against fear. It is what lies at the root of my procrastination. I worry too much about what people are going to say about me. I worry that people might not like my posts. I worry that I might not bring things out in an eloquent way like the established guys when I write or blog. I am a perfectionist to a large extent. I worry that my work may not be up to the best standard. This fear of being unable to churn out a perfect product cripples me. When I procrastinate, there is always a ‘reason’ that makes me think my product won’t be good enough. I used to hide behind the fact that I had no laptop but I started this blog on my phone.

This year I want to force myself to fear less. In the past I was worried about what people would say because I wanted to please everyone. I was afraid of letting them down by writing or even doing things they wouldn’t like. I have chosen to take charge of my life and do the things that I want to do. It is not going to be an easy road, but it is definitely one worth traveling.  In 2021 my biggest challenge was to start something, and I did. This was the first step on my journey to fight procrastination and do the things I love doing.

The second step is consistency. This is what I will be working on this year. My goal is to try and post content at least every fortnight on this platform with no excuses. I will use whatever tools I have to make it happen because life will not always wait for everything to fall into place. If I can do that consistently until the end of the year, I am pretty sure I would also be able to apply this discipline in other areas of my life.

If you feel like you are up for the challenge, hit me up and we do this thing together

I wish you a victorious 2022

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